Believe in yourself…10426237_10152422696148414_4115888607042389615_n

That’s all the ancestors are asking of you. That’s all that the universe demands!

I know! It’s easier said than done.

Yet, this is the challenge before us. This is where the work begins. This is not a battle you can afford to lose.

There’s simply too much at stake…

The outside world wages a systematic campaign every single day to chip away at your self-confidence and to keep you in your place.

That’s what marketing, advertising and the media are all about, crafting messages that create false needs and false fears!

You’ve got to take your power back!

This Holiday Season, as we begin the countdown toward 2015, take time out to get in touch with your Spirit again.

And nurture that Spirit!

Be clear about what you really feel, what you really think, what you really need, what you truly love, who you truly love!

Believe that you can turn your life around…

And believe that Spirit will lead you in the direction that’s truly best for you!

May the ancestors bless you from the north, the south, the east and the west!.


James Weeks