I did a FB talk about money and wealth a few weeks ago.

I think about finances all the time:} But it wasn’t always this way.

Let me explain…

When I began doing spiritual readings ten years ago, I quickly realized most people are struggling financially.

It’s still true.

But here’s the good news: I believe we can improve our finances, but we need to make some changes.

Creating financial abundance doesn’t just happen because we want it to happen. We need to take steps.
Financial literacy is one of those steps.

We can’t expect miracles overnight.

We must also rethink our attitudes about wealth…

You don’t have to choose between being spiritual or being financially stable. You can be spiritual AND you can also be financially secure too.

You don’t have to be broke.

We must be aware of wealth trends.

In the second edition of my book, Meditations Across the King’s River, I discuss cryptocurrency.
And I also explain how learning to trade in the financial markets has had a huge impact on my life.

If you don’t have the second edition, you can order it here:

How has 2024 been for you financially? Do you have a financial plan for 2025?

There isn’t one path to financial empowerment. But you must find the best path for you.

You deserve better. We all do. There’s so much at stake.
