Don’t overthink it. Be still listen and know.

That’s what my friend, Carol, said to me last week. I met her on my first trip to Bermuda last November, and it was good to finally catch up with her on Whatsapp again.

We were talking about the ups and downs of life we all experience, and Carol was saying how easy it is to miss signs and messages that are all around us if we’re not paying attention, or if we’re not spiritually grounded.

It’s easy to complicate things.

But all we have to do is “be still, listen and know,” as Carol said.

Signs come in so many ways, and the truth is our ancestors and spirit guides send them more often than we think.

The signs you’ve been praying for might not come WHEN you expect them, but I promise the messages will be there when you NEED them.

And when the signs come, you must have the courage to act on them.

You might not have the courage to act with conviction right now, but I pray you find the strength to move forward with your life.

That’s exactly what one of my clients did recently…

Elizabeth acted on signs she had been receiving for years and finally decided to end the toxic relationship with her husband. It’s a difficult time for my client as she moves forward with the divorce, but she’s doing it anyway. And she feels more free.

“It’s a strange feeling being alone,” she said in a text to me this morning. “It’s different, but I’m at peace.”

What do YOU have to do to feel more free?

If you’re not sure what direction to go in, I suggest going in the direction you feel will give you the most peace.

Maintaining a daily spiritual practice helps because it makes us more receptive to messages from Spirit.

And be sure to cut back on distractions. For me, that means limited social media and zero TV. Find what works for you.

This is all for now. Would love to know what messages have been showing up in your life, so please feel free to write. I’ll respond asap.

Until we speak again, may the ancestors guide and protect you always.

All My Love

James Weeks

P.S. I’ll be doing a FB Live Event next Saturday at 3 pm est. Hope to connect with you there.

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.S.S. Signed copies for my book are still available