Remembering Baby Brother

My little brother wants me to show you this picture.

Gene talks to me from the Spirit world. He also inspires me from the Spirit world. He was a musician; I think of him as I practice my guitar each night.

He listens! He wants me to write songs; work on my vocals.

Gene was one year younger than me! He was also taller than me. I’m 6′ 3″ and he was 6’6″. I’m quiet but baby brother is even more reserved.

He passed over in 1998 after a long battle with lupus. He died on stage doing what he loved – playing music with his reggae band. He was 37 years-old.

In this photo that he asked me to share, I’m standing on the left, Gene is on the right. My older sisters are fraternal twins but some folks thought Gene and I were the twins in the family because we were the same height at one point and looked more alike than my sisters did.

As I write to you, his spirit has drawn closer to me. We are writing to you together. He is laughing!

The ancestors do more than guide us. They challenge us to think and to stretch. To expand the way we see ourselves. And to stop putting ourselves down by thinking in a box.

In my case, I didn’t always think of myself as a musician. But I do now. I haven’t written a single song yet, but I will.

Gene was alive when I bought my first guitar back on St. Croix. He taught me how to play “Revolution” by Bob Marley. I still remember it.

“Never make a politician grant you a favor. They will always want to control you forever. I don’t want to live in the park. Can’t trust no shadows in the park. So my friend I hope that you can see. Like the birds in the tree, the prisoners need to be free. Yeah.”

– Bob Marley, Revolution

That song, Revolution, will be with me forever. So will baby brother.

Once, when I had a reading with a talented medium, Gene said he still loves to swim. Yes. He goes swimming in the spirit world.

Hearing baby brother say that blew me away. Got me thinking. What does the beach look like in the spirit world? I wonder. What color is the water?

And how does the water feel against your skin in the spirit world?

My experiences with my ancestors has taught me this important truth.Your loved ones in Spirit want you to expand the way you think of them.

Listen! The ancestors are not sitting over there doing nothing. They are as alive as you and me and they’re still learning and growing and loving. Newsflash! You should be too!

– James Weeks

Your ancestors also want you to expand the way you see yourself and your future. Stop putting yourself down. Don’t limit yourself by putting yourself in a box and for God’s sake don’t put yourself in anyone else’s box.

If you feel stuck in life, you should know that you can break free. You owe it to yourself. You deserve better. You know it. You can do so much more. You know that too. So why aren’t you doing it?

Who knows what your ancestors are inspiring you to do? Surely you can find out. Spiritual guidance is available 24/7 for those that are truly seeking.

The guidance will come in one form or another…

“There’s a Natural Mystic blowing through the air! If you listen carefully now you will hear.”

– Bob Marley, “Natural Mystic”

– James Weeks/Across The King’s River

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They Are We

Pa Joe, one of the elders in the film.

Pa Joe, one of the elders in the film.

My body is in Cuba, but my soul is in Africa. It is the African soul that nurtures my body here in Cuba. Our people who were taken away have found their home again.”

– They Are We, a documentary film by Emma Christopher

I first learned about the film They Are We during a recent trip home to St. Croix, Virgin Islands.

They Are We resonates with me for several reasons and each one leads me back to my ancestors. The quest to learn more about them and myself while embracing the notion and/or the reality that the ancient ones still live through me.

My body is in Oakland, C.A, yet my soul also dwells in the Caribbean and in West Africa.

Where does your soul dwell? Why?

Despite centuries of oppression and cultural devastation, They Are We is a compelling reminder that profound connections can still be made to the Motherland in our times.

James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River.

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African Shaman Helps Schizophrenic Son

Malidoma Some

Malidoma Some

Interesting Washington Post article about how West African shaman, Malidoma Some, helped one man’s schizophrenic son.

Click here to read now. Would love to hear your thoughts:

Some 2.2 million Americans suffer from mental illness…

This article hits close to home. One of my siblings has been battling mental illness for more than two decades.

The symptoms manifested when my sister was in her late 20’s…

And over time her illness got progressively worse.

Mental illness strikes with a fury…

It destroyed her marriage, her friendships, our friendship.

Prior to her illness she was beautiful, brilliant, outgoing.

In Malidoma’s culture, the Dagara view of mental illness stands in sharp contrast to the Western worldview.

“Schizophrenics are not viewed pathologically, but often as mediums bringing messages to the community from the spirit world.”

I am inspired by the Dagara approach to mental illness.

Don’t know what messages my sister might be carrying!

But I do wish she might find her way back home.

James Weeks
Producer, Across the King’s River

Are You Free Yet?

EagleAre you free yet?

The great freedom fighter, Harriet Tubman, would probably want to know.

She said: “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

I love that quote. What about you?

The struggle for freedom, justice and equality never ends. There’s always work to be done. You can be sure of that.

And that’s why we all have to be vigilant…

But the struggle isn’t only “out there”. It’s also “in here.” Deep within each of us.

The question is, what battle are YOU fighting? How long have you been fighting?

And what do you need to break free from? Right here? Right now?

Is it the opinions of others? Self doubt? Fear? Is it an addiction?

Is it the voices you still hear from childhood, taunting you, saying you’re not good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, deserving enough or creative enough?

Is it a toxic friendship or relationship? A wound that refuses to heal? Poor health?

Not sure what you’re facing right now but I can tell you this.

1. You’re not alone!

2. You can get through this even if the way out isn’t clear right now.

3. There’s a powerful life lesson in your struggles and once you “get it” you can be liberated.

4. You’ve got to be bold! Timid people will never be free. Stop letting folks who don’t matter, matter in your life.

5. You’ve got to be truthful. Can’t break free if you can’t admit you’re hurting.

6. Get an outside perspective. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes or ears can provide the clarity and guidance you need.

7. Trust that your prayer has been heard and a solution is on the way. Be open to it.

Would love to hear what’s holding you back and how you plan to break free. So just hit reply and let it all out. You’ll get a personal response from me.

Wishing you good things! Great things!

May the ancestors open every door that has been blocked and shower you with love.


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River

P.S. Book a Spiritual Reading Today And Take Advantage Of The 10% Discount!

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Honoring Spirit!

1919354_130738258413_6598384_nYou must honor your Spirit…

This is where you must begin; this is where you must end.

That’s the advice I gave to a client who came for divination tonight

Not only must you honor your Spirit, you must remember that you ARE Spirit!

Forget what everyone else thinks or does.

Be still; attune yourself to what your own Spirit is saying.

Stop thinking you need outside validation for every single decision, for every single step you wish to make.

You don’t…

Listen from within! Be strong! Walk on!

James Weeks/Across The King’s River

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