I was talking to my friend from Ghana via Zoom about two weeks ago…
….I was moved by some of the things she was saying, and I started taking notes to share with you.
We met because she wanted more information about one of my passions — teaching people how to make money on-line by trading in the largest financial markets in the world.
But before we started talking about finance, she went deep into spirituality. I paid close attention to what this elder from Africa had to say.
Bvanessa feels Covid 19 is giving us an opportunity to evolve…
“Even with all this destruction there is hope,” she said. “We as a species have to work on ourselves. We are the custodians of the planet. If the earth is shaken, then we will be shaken. When we destroy the earth we are destroying ourselves. The planet is resettling. It’s the cleansing of our souls. We are here to evolve.”
Bvanessa also spoke about the importance of trees in our ecosystem and our ancestors. “We don’t seem to remember that our ancestors are our first line of defense,” she said.
And we must be willing to shift and make changes for the next generation. “We have to pick up the baton and move forward,” she said.
Can’t speak for you, but Bvannesa’s words makes me think. I feel them. I believe these are powerful truths.
After my last newsletter several weeks ago, so many people wrote me to say that in some ways the pandemic has brought a new level of spiritual awareness into their lives, and somehow, they can never be the same again.
I was encouraged by that…
Yet, I am also aware of all the pain and suffering: the recession, the countless lives that we’ve lost, the anxiety, the stress that so many families, especially Moms, are feeling as they attempt to balance home schooling children and working — if they still have a job.
I’m doing fine and so is my family. I’m grateful for that…
As a spiritual advisor, I know that day and night, light and darkness, positive and negative, always flow together. The challenge for us spiritual seekers on this earth plane is to seek the light even amidst adversity.
What do you think the message is for you? How are you coping?
My deepest condolences if you’ve lost friends or family members.
Feel free to write if you need a shoulder of support…
Would love to hear what’s on your mind, no matter what it is. I’ll respond to your comments asap.
Love and blessings to you and your loved ones until we talk again, and thank you for being a part of my journey.
James Weeks
Author Meditations Across The King’s River
P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.
P.P.S. If you would like to purchase a signed copy of my book, Meditations Across The King’s River, let me know.
She owns a popular, Caribbean-inspired restaurant in Oakland called Miss Ollie’s. Great food — I love her fried chicken.
Anyways, she was in good spirits when I saw her. To be honest, I was surprised because I had been a bit worried about her. As you know, the restaurant industry, like nearly every industry, has been dealt a huge blow by the corona virus.
Sarah flashed a huge smile when she saw me and served up some take-out food I could share with my wife. Many of her colleagues in the restaurant business are freaking out, she confessed. But she’s not.
“Something good will come from this,” she said. Those were her first words to me.
…Her smile and energy lifted my Spirit and inspired me to look at the pandemic with spiritual eyes. Somehow it made me think about our ancestors and what wisdom they would offer us at this time.
Even though it’s tough, Sarah says the pandemic is forcing us to change for the better — change our habits, change our diets, and hopefully change our mentality – our ways of thinking and living on the earth.
For too long we’ve been obsessed with wanting “more, more, more, and bigger, bigger bigger.” Now the earth has a chance to breathe,” Sarah said. “Sure, we will lose some people,” she added, “but we have to get ready for the next dimension.”
My friend, Nicole, said something similar.
Nicole is a teacher in NY and hails from the island of Jamaica. “We’ve done so much damage to the earth,” she told me on Whatsapp. “The earth is just resetting itself. I’ve been looking at pictures of Venice — the water is clear, the fish are back, the dolphins are swimming,” said Nicole. “In India, they can see the Himalayas because the fog is gone. In Los Angeles, you can see the skyline.”
On the inside, Nicole has been experiencing deep transformation. “I’m living on a higher frequency,” she said. “I realize I’m not alone and God and the ancestors are with me. I get up every morning grateful to be alive. I used to worry about money but I don’t worry about that stuff anymore”
And she’s not as anxious as she used to be. “I live for the moment. I live for the day. I used to feel like a rat on a wheel. I used to be afraid to sit quietly because I was scared of what to listen for and what would come. The TV would have to be on all the time, even though I’m not watching it — music would have to be playing.”
Now Nicole listens for spiritual messages without judging what comes. She’s allowing herself to be led by Spirit step by step, she says.
What about you, ?
Do you think something good will come from this crisis? If so, I would love to hear your perspective.
And if you’ve lost a job or a loved one, please know I’m holding you in prayer. My good friend, Joel Mcphee says the crisis is forcing us to realize “we all need each other, and we’re deeply connected — it demonstrates the power of nature and the power of our Creator,” he said.
I am sending you and your loved ones good energy during this uncertain time, .
Keep the faith…
Respond to this blog, and I’ll write you back as soon as time permits.
With you in Spirit.
Love Always
James Weeks
Author, Meditations Across The King’s River
P.S. Still doing Spiritual Readings.
P.P.S. And if you would like a signed copy of my book, Meditations Across The King’s River, let me know.
Challenging times for all of us. Who knew that a virus could turn our lives upside down in a short period of time?
…I didn’t. Very few people saw this coming.
My youngest son and daughter have both been laid off. My eldest son, a businessman, is at home with his kids.
How has the corona pandemic impacted you and your family so far? Feel free to write and I will respond asap.
Please know that I’m sending you good energy. Here’s what I’ve been telling my children and some of my clients.
1. Maintain a Daily Spiritual Practice: Doesn’t have to be long or complicated, but it’s crucial you maintain one. I’ve been meditating daily. Maintain a practice that resonates with you.
2. Keep Your Body Moving: If you can’t go outside, or prefer not to go outside, do some kind of daily exercise indoors. My wife, Stephanie, has been keeping up daily yoga classes with her teacher via Zoom.
3. Learn Something New:. My son, Diallo, started learning how to trade and earn money in the largest financial market in the world — it’s called forex. I’ve been teaching him what I know, and now he’s trading independently after just one week. (By the way, I mentor people who want to learn how to trade. If you’re interested or want more information about trading, hit me up.)
4. Use This Time Wisely: What can you do NOW to position yourself to be stronger once this crisis is over? What does your future self need from your present self in order to function at the highest level?
5. Check On Loved Ones Often: You’re loved ones might not admit to being depressed or scared, but that doesn’t mean they’re not struggling. We’re all struggling in some way as we try to come to grips with this crazy new life we have. A phone call, or a text, or an email can go a long way.
6. Stay Positive: Try not to take what’s happening to you personally. We’re all in this together. We will get through this together. Envision what you want your life to look like 90 days from now? How does that feel emotionally, spiritually, financially, creatively? What steps can you take today to manifest this life?
Hope this helps.
I’m going for a walk. Hit me up if you feel like it.
It’s still spring and the birds are still singing. Let’s make the best of a tough situation.
Love Always
James Weeks
Author Meditations Across The King’s River
P.S Still available for coaching and/or spiritual readings.
…I was surprised because it’s been many years. She hit me up on FB Messenger.
And she was telling me how she’s in a totally different place now. As I read her text I smiled, and the more I read the more I smiled. It was refreshing.
Fanya is no longer in a dark place like she was years ago.
Back then it was one problem after another. Relationship problems, financial problems, depression.
“I had to go through this to understand what I know now,” she explained. “My ancestors supported me until I realized there was no need to hold on to past hurt — that I could let it all go.”
“Your growth is beautiful,” I told Fanya.
“It is beyond beautiful,” she replied. “Every day I learn something new about life.”
My conversation with Fanya made me think about YOU. I thought about recent experiences and old experiences I’ve had too. See, we tend to hold on to past pain even when we don’t have to. It’s the human condition, I guess. But why do we do that? Why do YOU do that?
We can be free…
You can choose to let it go now. You can also choose to hold on to pain if you want.
But Fanya is saying you don’t have to.
I asked what helped her to make the shift in the way she saw things.
“I made the drastic decision to take care of my well being first,” she explained. “The root of my situation was in my heart. Every day my heart is opening up a bit more.”
And she’s discovered two gifts she didn’t know she had. Painting and singing. “I repainted my house with bright, joyful colors, and I dare to sing too.”
She sent me a song. It was beautiful. It was an ode to Yemanja. Loved it. I told her I want her to sing in my film.
…I had to share this story with you.
I’ve learned that part of our problem isn’t merely our problems — it’s how we see our problems — our perspective.
You can shift your perspective. You can be empowered and free.
Reply to this blog and I’ll hit you back asap. Let me know what you are thinking. Until then all my love.
Sending you good energy on your journey.
James Weeks
Author Meditations Across The King’s River
Just launched a new trailer to support my book, Meditations Across The King’s River.
We shot the footage when I went home to St. Croix last fall.
You’ll meet Jeremiah in this clip. Without his help, these shots of us riding along the beach wouldn’t have happened.
When I told Jerimiah what I envisioned, he said, let’s make it happen. “It will be epic.”
Riding with him and his posse changed me in ways I can’t put into words…
…I definitely felt at one with my ancestors. And I felt blessed I grew up on an island surrounded by such natural beauty.
Powerful spiritual connections like this inspired me to write my book
— and such connections kept me going through many challenges.
These connections STILL keep me going.
face it. There’s no shortage of drama in our world. But at the end of
the day, in my opinion, it’s all about love and connections. Love cuts
through darkness, my friend.
This is why it’s important to get clear about what you love or who you love..
It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that….Keep it simple. And always keep it moving
always, I appreciate your support and would love to know what you’ve
been up to, so please feel free to write and I will respond asap.