How To Get Unstuck

I had a conversation with a client who is also a friend about two weeks ago.

He no longer feels passionate about the things he once felt strongly about — at least, not at this very moment.

As you might imagine, he’s sort of at the crossroads, trying to decide what his next step should be. He’s questioning his purpose, and it’s stirring up more questions than answers.

Has this ever happened to you? Or is it happening to you right now?

If so you’re not alone. Many people feel the same way, and there is no easy answer.

We can’t fake passion — it’s either there or it’s not.

But here’s what I’ve learned. If you’re waiting for passion to return before you continue working on your dream, it might not happen, and you might miss important life lessons or the sense of fulfillment you’ve been seeking.

At some point passion simmers down or ends, and that’s when conviction and dedication must kick in. It requires discipline.

Business coach, Kamila Brown Washington, has this to say:

Stop waiting until you feel motivated to take consistent action. The only time you take action can’t be when you feel like it. You have to make moves, every day, even if you’re tired, or annoyed or don’t feel like it.”

In my twenties I had a chance to interview David Hinds, lead singer of the famous reggae group, Steel Pulse. He told me that one has to practice the guitar every day, if you’re an artist like him because sometimes when you get on stage, you might not feel able or ready to perform.

Daily discipline is so important no matter what path you are following.

And consider this. Do you think Dr. Martin Luther King felt passionate about every civil rights march even though he knew there was a good chance some of his followers might die or be imprisoned? Probably not. But King had conviction — he knew our cause was just and was willing to pay the price.

It’s probably not your destiny to lead a social movement or step on a concert stage, but I know you have important gifts to offer the world. We all do.

Spirit has plans for you. Here are a few tips for staying on course when life tries to pull you off course.

1. Stop saying yes to everything or everyone.

2. Eliminate distractions. Be selective about what you give your attention to.

3. Maintain a daily spiritual practice (this is important for clarity).

4. Dedicate 30 minutes a day to your vision — consistency is what matters. Quality above quantity.

5. Have a long term vision in mind — don’t expect overnight success.
I’m here to support you. Respond to this email, l and I will write you back as soon as I can.

Love and blessings to you and your family.

James Weeks
Author Meditations Across The King’s River

You Can’t Say Yes To The World

You can’t say yes to the world…

That’s what my friend Michelle said to me recently. I grabbed a pencil and took notes as she explained why.

Turns out, Michelle had a close brush with death recently. That’s right — she was diagnosed with COVID-19.

She found herself in a hospital bed in Milwaukee, sicker than ever before. Her heart was racing, she says, and her kidneys were on the verge of shutting down. Fortunately, it wasn’t her time to leave us. “I wasn’t ready for God, and God wasn’t ready for me,” she says.

Michelle’s near death experience forced her to come to grips with things she had been avoiding. Looking back, she now realizes she had not been living fully. “I think I have awakened a spirit that was stagnant,” she says. “It made my realize I am my own problem. I was trying to please everyone.”

After her awakening, Michelle began making bold moves. She started by ending a toxic relationship she had been in for more than 12 years.

“He was a very needy person, and I felt smothered by him. I didn’t want to break off the relationship because I knew it was going to hurt his feelings, and because I had been hurt so many times. I didn’t want to be that person,” says Michelle. Yet she found a way to end it — with enough finesse that they are still friends to this day. “I feel good about my decision,” she says.

Next, Michelle had a frank conversation with her 32-year-old son about how uncertain life is. “We take every day for granted,” she told him. “We act like we’re going to be here forever. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.”

I love talking to Michelle, .

Days after our conversation, I could still hear her voice in my head. “You can’t say yes to the world.”

Instead of trying to please the world, we need to say no more often. We need to get quiet and listen to that inner voice. That’s exactly what I plan to do.

Michelle says reading the book, Return To Love: Reflecting on a Course of Miracles, helped her as she reflected on how she would like to live differently.

“Many of us know in our hearts that we never really grew up,” says author Marianne Williamson in Return to Love. “The problem is we’re terrified. We’re just afraid, period. We’re afraid this isn’t the right relationship, or we’re afraid it is. We’re afraid they won’t like us or we’re afraid they will. We’re afraid of failure and we’re afraid of success. We’re afraid of dying young and we’re afraid of growing old. We are more afraid of life than we are of death.”

What are you afraid of, ? How long have you been coping with fear? When do you plan to confront it?

Michelle’s advice for those who wish to break free is simple. “Listen to your intuition and don’t feel guilty about your decision.”

This summer Michelle plans to travel to Puerto Rico for the first time; it’s been on her wish list for years, and she’s finally going to make it happen. The purpose of her trip? “Pleasure,” she says with a smile. “I don’t need to explain myself.”

I like that answer. You don’t need to explain yourself either, . May you find the courage to find and to free yourself.

Your ancestors will be there to support you.


James Weeks

Author, Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.P.S Signed copies of my book are available.

Are Your Ready For Abundance?

Are you open to abundance in all areas of your life?

Most people say yes, and that’s great. But here’s what I’ve learned, saying yes is not enough.

First, it’s important to have a clear vision of what abundance means to you. Then, commit to making it happen, no matter how long it takes. Without a commitment, it’s difficult to manifest any vision.

I think about abundance night and day. For me, abundance means spiritual and creative fulfillment while serving others.

Over the years I’ve learned how to create a stream of income around my passions. That’s why I included a chapter on balancing spiritual and financial growth in my book, Meditations Across The King’s River.

My friend, June Lyons, is also on a path of creating spiritual and financial abundance.

Last year, June launched her own business, Temple Body Butter, — it’s a unique line-up of hand-whipped, organic skin care products made from the shea nut that grows profusely all over Africa.

I’m proud of June’s creations and her determination. And I enjoy using natural products on my skin that me feel like I’m home in the Caribbean or in Africa.

June definitely has a first class act going on. You can visit Temple Body Butter here:

For June, the vision began when she found a solution for her own skin problems, and wanted to share what worked for her with others. In time, the demand for her products grew.

I’m sharing her story with you, because I believe you might have a passion or a skill that you can build a business around too.

How to launch a business by tapping into what you know or love might not be obvious to you right now, but I’m willing to bet some ideas might come to you in time.

What do you love doing? What kind of help do people come to you for? Is there something from your cultural heritage that you can build a business around that others might enjoy?

June drew inspiration for Temple Body Butter from her Jamaican heritage. “There was always some kind of bush tea” for an ailment, she says. “I figured if I go back to the earth, the earth would have an answer for me.” She prides herself on only using high quality, organic products in her creations. “I don’t cut corners,” says June.

Her long term vision? Transforming Temple Body Butter into an international brand and eventually having a warehouse and employees. Her biggest challenge so far? Getting funding to expand her operation.

June’s advice to others who are contemplating launching a business? “Go for it. People shouldn’t give up on their dreams. If you know that you want to start a business, start a business, but do your research and homework first.”

Starting a business is definitely not easy, but it can be fun and rewarding.

Don’t assume that abundance is not for you or can’t happen in the future. I never thought I would be an entrepreneur, but here I am doing my own thing since 2011. I’m not looking back to Corporate America, and I’m not going back.

Never give up on your dreams.

If the idea of launching a business resonates with you, stay in the game long enough to succeed. Get a mentor. Get disciplined. Get focused. Be persistent. Be consistent.

Feel free to write me, and I will respond as soon as possible.

Sending you good energy and love on your quest for abundance.

James Weeks

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.SS. Signed copies for my book are still available. Feel free to email me at

New Trailer Coming Soon

What’s Happening Family?

We are currently in the production studios working on the latest trailer for my documentary film project, Across The King’s River. We hope to have it ready to show you in a few weeks or so.

Across The King’s River is a film about finding and fulfilling your life’s purpose.

My film will take viewers to Southwest Nigeria, my home, St. Croix Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Guadeloupe and Jamaica.

The music that you’ll be hearing in the new trailer comes from one of the musical treasures of the world — Keith Caisey — a son of Bermuda.

Keith Caisey, a master percussionist, has performed/recorded with legends such as Gladys Knight and the Pips, the Rolling Stones, Mariah Carey, INXS and others.

Blessed to be able to incorporate the genius of Mr Caisey in this project.

In this pic, I’m laying the vocals for the trailer in the production studios of Elmore Warren, a son of Bermuda — another great visionary I’m blessed to partner with.

I’ll be doing a series of FB Lives when we launch the new trailer in a few weeks to update you on Across The King’s River and my book Meditations Across The King’s River.

If you still don’t have a copy of my popular book, Meditations Across The King’s River: African Inspired Wisdom for Life’s Journey, we would be grateful for your support.

You can order it here:

If you prefer a signed copy of my book, email me at, and let me know if you prefer a soft cover or hard cover.

Your support will help us complete our film an bring this book to larger audiences. I will be in touch. Talk soon.

Love and blessings.


You Can’t Wait Forever

Greetings ,

In March, my friend, Funlayo, will be traveling to Zimbabwe for one week.

It will be her first visit to the African continent, and I’m so happy for her.

Funlayo will be staying in a fishing village near the beach, and she’ll have an opportunity to dance, eat great food, and immerse herself in the culture.

I wish I were going. I know it will be life changing.

But getting to this point has not been easy for her. In fact, it was scary. Funlayo is married with two kids, and was worried about what her husband would say. For weeks, she kept putting off the conversation even though, secretly, the flight had already been booked.

He was pissed off, . Hubby said her priorities are totally screwed up. How could she travel when the world is in such chaos?

Her Mom wasn’t happy about it either. Mom said, “the hell you ain’t going to Africa!”

But Funlayo is going, and she’s doing the right thing. She always been drawn to African culture. For years, she had two dear friends living in Zimbabwe, until one of them passed away. In the past few months, she’s been receiving so many spiritual messages and signs that support her urge to make this journey. Including the opportunity to meet up with a friend that she’s always had a powerful soul connection with.

I’m sharing this because I know there are things you want to do or experience, but fear might be holding you back. If that’s the case you’re hardly alone. It’s the human condition.

We tend to get stuck, or trapped, and sometimes we lack the motivation to break out of the rut we’re in and move forward.

In the book, A Year to Live: How to Live This Year As If It Were Your Last, author Stephen Levine says that people near death are often full of regrets.

“On their deathbed some people look back on their lives and are overwhelmed by a sense of failure. They become disheartened when they reflect on how they have overlooked the preciousness of their relationships, forgotten the importance of finding their ‘true work’, and delayed what some call ‘living my own life’,” says Levine


“All but those who have fully opened to life say they would live differently if they had just one more year. Many say they would change their work situation. Some say they would quit,” adds Levine. “Most concede they would at the very least reduce the number of hours they work, change jobs, or perhaps study some long-admired skill even though there might be no job at the end of the rainbow.”

“In their last year many people feel as if they have a second chance at growth and inner healing. Some, recognizing their desires, bought themselves the cello they had always wanted. Many are drawn to long walks in the woods and sitting quietly by the sea. Some went back to church, some took up a meditation practice, turning toward the mystery, investigating their own deathless nature,” says Levine.

What about you, ? What would you do differently if you only had one year left? People don’t like to think about such things. But sooner or later we must.

. . . You can’t wait forever to do what matters to you, .

And that’s what I told Funlayo last month when she started to think of reasons why maybe she shouldn’t travel to Zimbabwe. “Listen,” I said. “You need to get on the plane.”

If you look for reasons why you should not do what your soul is calling you to do, you will find them.

I wish you the courage to do what you want truly want to do, or to be who you truly want to be, .

I told Funlayo to send me some pics from Zimbabwe. I also called her Mom. I told Mom, Funlayo will be in good hands in Zimbabwe, and I’ll be checking up on her via Whatsapp.

This is all for now, . Let me know how you’re feeling and doing. I’m here to support you in any way that I can.

Live this year as if it were your last.

All my love,

James Weeks

Author, Meditations Across The King’s River

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings

P.P.S Signed copies of my book are available. Message me.