Are you open to abundance in all areas of your life?

Most people say yes, and that’s great. But here’s what I’ve learned, saying yes is not enough.

First, it’s important to have a clear vision of what abundance means to you. Then, commit to making it happen, no matter how long it takes. Without a commitment, it’s difficult to manifest any vision.

I think about abundance night and day. For me, abundance means spiritual and creative fulfillment while serving others.

Over the years I’ve learned how to create a stream of income around my passions. That’s why I included a chapter on balancing spiritual and financial growth in my book, Meditations Across The King’s River.

My friend, June Lyons, is also on a path of creating spiritual and financial abundance.

Last year, June launched her own business, Temple Body Butter, — it’s a unique line-up of hand-whipped, organic skin care products made from the shea nut that grows profusely all over Africa.

I’m proud of June’s creations and her determination. And I enjoy using natural products on my skin that me feel like I’m home in the Caribbean or in Africa.

June definitely has a first class act going on. You can visit Temple Body Butter here:

For June, the vision began when she found a solution for her own skin problems, and wanted to share what worked for her with others. In time, the demand for her products grew.

I’m sharing her story with you, because I believe you might have a passion or a skill that you can build a business around too.

How to launch a business by tapping into what you know or love might not be obvious to you right now, but I’m willing to bet some ideas might come to you in time.

What do you love doing? What kind of help do people come to you for? Is there something from your cultural heritage that you can build a business around that others might enjoy?

June drew inspiration for Temple Body Butter from her Jamaican heritage. “There was always some kind of bush tea” for an ailment, she says. “I figured if I go back to the earth, the earth would have an answer for me.” She prides herself on only using high quality, organic products in her creations. “I don’t cut corners,” says June.

Her long term vision? Transforming Temple Body Butter into an international brand and eventually having a warehouse and employees. Her biggest challenge so far? Getting funding to expand her operation.

June’s advice to others who are contemplating launching a business? “Go for it. People shouldn’t give up on their dreams. If you know that you want to start a business, start a business, but do your research and homework first.”

Starting a business is definitely not easy, but it can be fun and rewarding.

Don’t assume that abundance is not for you or can’t happen in the future. I never thought I would be an entrepreneur, but here I am doing my own thing since 2011. I’m not looking back to Corporate America, and I’m not going back.

Never give up on your dreams.

If the idea of launching a business resonates with you, stay in the game long enough to succeed. Get a mentor. Get disciplined. Get focused. Be persistent. Be consistent.

Feel free to write me, and I will respond as soon as possible.

Sending you good energy and love on your quest for abundance.

James Weeks

P.S. Still available for spiritual readings.

P.SS. Signed copies for my book are still available. Feel free to email me at