A dear friend and client recently sent me some photos via Whatsapp.

I was so happy to receive them. The energy around her was uplifting.

She looked beautiful, happy, relaxed, vibrant, and I was quick to tell her so.

“Decided I’m going to live the life, I deserve. I get to choose what that looks like. The universe will support me. It’s very empowering,” she said.

I’m so proud of her, Constance.

And that’s because I remember the dark days. Not too long ago she was in the midst of a storm.

She faced one challenge after another: Her beloved grandmother died, a family business failed, she was in a car accident, and her marriage was in trouble.

I remember those days so well because we texted almost every day on Whatsapp.

But earlier this year she began making bold moves.

Not only did she file for a divorce; she took a leap of faith and moved to the UK from the Caribbean with her teenage son.

So far, it’s working out great.

Her old boss will provide work she can do remotely. She’s in a beautiful house in the UK with a pool in the backyard.

And she’s around like-minded folks who also had the courage to move on with their lives and embrace something new.

She texted me again a few days ago: “So grateful for the changes I’ve made. We were born to live. Not only is it possible — we deserve it. We were not placed here to struggle, barely scratch out an existence and die,” she said.

I’m sharing her journey with you because I hope it inspires you in some way. If you feel stuck or unhappy, you can move on too.

Not saying you can do it overnight, but surely with patience and a solid plan and lots of determination you can find your way.

I truly believe we can all live richer, more abundant lives.

This is the last quarter of 2023. It’s a great time to start envisioning what you want 2024 to look like.

And it’s also a great time to reflect on changes you need to make to turn things around for the better.

You deserve more, Constance. We all do. You get to decide what that looks like.

Let’s get it.

