EagleAre you free yet?

The great freedom fighter, Harriet Tubman, would probably want to know.

She said: “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

I love that quote. What about you?

The struggle for freedom, justice and equality never ends. There’s always work to be done. You can be sure of that.

And that’s why we all have to be vigilant…

But the struggle isn’t only “out there”. It’s also “in here.” Deep within each of us.

The question is, what battle are YOU fighting? How long have you been fighting?

And what do you need to break free from? Right here? Right now?

Is it the opinions of others? Self doubt? Fear? Is it an addiction?

Is it the voices you still hear from childhood, taunting you, saying you’re not good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, deserving enough or creative enough?

Is it a toxic friendship or relationship? A wound that refuses to heal? Poor health?

Not sure what you’re facing right now but I can tell you this.

1. You’re not alone!

2. You can get through this even if the way out isn’t clear right now.

3. There’s a powerful life lesson in your struggles and once you “get it” you can be liberated.

4. You’ve got to be bold! Timid people will never be free. Stop letting folks who don’t matter, matter in your life.

5. You’ve got to be truthful. Can’t break free if you can’t admit you’re hurting.

6. Get an outside perspective. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes or ears can provide the clarity and guidance you need.

7. Trust that your prayer has been heard and a solution is on the way. Be open to it.

Would love to hear what’s holding you back and how you plan to break free. So just hit reply and let it all out. You’ll get a personal response from me.

Wishing you good things! Great things!

May the ancestors open every door that has been blocked and shower you with love.


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River

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