“A blessing is the state of the soul,” says African shaman, Malidoma Some, in this You Tube speech.

Malidoma Some
“People tend to see blessings as meaning prosperity. You have to disconnect these two things. Blessing does not necessarily mean prosperity. Blessing is a state of the soul. A place in which the person’s psyche sits in comfort,” Malidoma explains.
I’m grateful for Malidoma’s wisdom…
If you’re not familiar with Malidoma Some, be sure to check his classic book, “Of Water And The Spirit: Ritual, Magic and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman.” Malidoma is also the author of “The Healing Wisdom of Africa” and “Ritual, Power, Healing and Community.”
“Of Water and The Spirit” wasn’t the first book I read on African spirituality…
But it was the first book that I read that made our traditions sound fun, magical. Before Malidoma, most books on African spirituality were dry and scholarly. Sure, they spoke to the head but seldom the heart – at least in my opinion.
By contrast, “Water and The Spirit,” was riveting, poignant – an unforgettable saga of the triumph of the African spirit and the will of the ancestors against all odds.
Even though my own path led me into the Yoruba spiritual traditions, I’ve always been fascinated by Malidoma Some and Dagara culture. (You can read one of my articles here).
But back to what Malidoma says about “blessings being a state of the soul”.
I love it…
Why? Because it’s too easy to become blinded by the allure of materialism. It’s also easy to get swept up into the drama of others.
And if you tune into the news these days, you’re bound to get swept into even more drama – drama that has nothing to do with you. Drama beyond your control.
So you’ve got to ground yourself spiritually and emotionally or you’re not going to make it; you’ve got to take time out to nurture yourself.
Yes, the all-consuming fight for more financial stability is important but what about emotional stability, spiritual stability, relationship stability? How are you doing in those areas?
As you reflect on your own life, what is the current state of your soul? What do you feel is missing and why? How well do you feel connected to your own Spirit? Your ancestors and your loved ones? Your culture? Your path? What do you feel called to do? Are you doing it?
While you reflect on these questions, here are some other quotes from Malidoma’s lecture that I would like to share…
“The Gods are underground and the only way we can make the world above better is to go down underground and listen to the Gods.” – Malidoma Some.
“Relationship with Spirit has no nationality. The world is a country for all of us.” – Malidoma Some.
“A wasteful culture like this (America) has no right to claim itself the head of the Free World.” – Malidoma Some
“We can’t come here because we have reached a middle class status and this qualifies us to go into the woods and do something slightly different from what we normally do. We have to come here because we are worrying. Because we are seeking a new sense of home. A place where grandchildren can be reconnected with grandfathers. A place where adolescents can be allowed to remember. And finally, a place where we can call community.” – Malidoma Some
Now over to you…
What are your thoughts? I welcome comments so please feel free to let me know what you’re thinking and feeling.
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James Weeks
Producer/Across The King’s River