My Dad was an advisor and Mom was a teacher.

In many ways I’m just like them. I teach and advise others.

How well do you know your parents? Your ancestors? How are they influencing you?

I learned something new about Dad recently. I was looking through a folder and found more information about his life and military career.

This photograph was taken while Dad was in the U.S Army. He spent 20 years in the military then we moved home to St. Croix, Virgin Islands.

Here’s what I didn’t know. The Army wanted to promote Dad to the rank of Captain.
Dad said NO to that offer.

Then they offered to promote Dad to the rank of Major, and he said NO to that as well.

I don’t know all the reasons why Dad didn’t want to serve as an officer in the military, but one thing was crystal clear. He didn’t need a title to define him. He was always “in charge,” leading in his own way.

Dad encouraged me to be a leader too.

Here’s a challenge for you in 2025. Why not embrace the best qualities of your ancestors and be a leader wherever you go?

But let me remind you: leadership comes at a cost.

Not everyone will like you. Be okay with that.
Not everyone will understand you. Be okay with that.
Not everyone will appreciate you. Be okay with that.

In spite of this, choose to be your best in 2025.Tap into the divine energy of your ancestors—their perseverance, their vision, their leadership.

Something extraordinary is waiting for you.

Across the King's River