We return to theme of Vision because we firmly believe it's our obligation. Who's we? The elders. The ancestors. The orisas that empower, protect and inspire us.

Why do we return constantly to the theme of Vision? Because we believe that all who embark on the quest for vision ultimately discover that they are not only better off, but happier. Not only happier, but stronger. Not only stronger but more creative. Not only more creative but more resourceful. Not only more resourceful but more courageous. Not only more courageous but more alive. Not only more alive but more aware.

Aware of what? The source of your own power!

But the source of your own power is only one of the many gifts you discover all the way. You also discover kindred souls that help you to realize that the journey is not only about what you become and the lessons you learn. It's also about humility. Allowing yourself to be an instrument for a force greater than yourself.

The reconnection and reawakening of kindred spirits is a treasure like no other. All who experience it can never fully be the same again.