My little brother Kehinde Elutilo and one of his chickens

A blaze of fire – the fire of rage. When I witnessed a friend explode in rage and anger at his own family it forced me to stop and reflect. It also depressed me and slowed me down for a few days. One Yoruba proverb says: “Ibinnu ko se nkankan fun eni” (anger doesn't do anything for anyone). The proverb goes on to say: “agba t'o ni suuru, oun gbogbo lo ni”. (The elder who has patience, has everything).

Although it's easy for us to see how drugs/alcohol destroys lives. It's not easy for us to see the impact or rage/anger and how it has the potential to destroy us – everything. I told my friend that he was destroying his family, his future, himself. I share this story because I believe that our failure to master basic life skills are at the heart of much of our troubles.

Yes, the system is real. Yes, the enemy is real. But what about the enemy within? When will he/she be confronted?

When I am asked what the goals are for this film, I have different answers depending on what I'm feeling at the moment. Yes, Across The King's River will showcase the healing and spiritual traditions of the Motherland. Yes, Across the King's River is ultimately a film about finding and fulfilling your life's purpose. And yes, Across The King's River will draw attention to the crisis of endangered cultures and languages and what humanity has to lose.

But beyond the goals mentioned above, I have another goal – a modest one. I hope this film brings you peace.